I am a new member in Club Eesti Karavan and i think my number is 1107

I have worked in estonia in the early 90's and traveled the country many times after that in hotels and so on.But i am a Finn and i cannot talk estonian. I travel small with an old Sprinter Ambulance, it is alarm yellow and if you seeus on road, wave
we are a small family with one 4 year old kid.
Our first campsite as a clubmember will be Vanamõisa Karavanipark in 24.6 and the question is: How is your midsummer? already on night 23 and what happens on 24.6?
I have planned 2 weeks in Estonia (+ few days in Riga/Jūrmala) and the trip will go counterclockwise from Vanamõisa to Haapsalu, Pärnu, Riga, Tartu, Narva and back to Tallinn.
PS i do understand some estonian, but very little.
The car, 2010 Ambulance with 800000km. IKEA beds,Dometic fridge, water- and airwebasto, 4kw inverter, fresh- and greywatertanks. Tiny but is better than tent